Italian Course
Syllabus for Italian Course A1
Welcome to the Italian Course - Level A1!
Course Syllabus
Unit 1
Introduction to the Italian Language
- History and characteristics of Italian.
- Sounds and pronunciation: alphabet, intonation, and accentuation.
- Basic greetings and introductions:
- - Ciao, Buongiorno, Arrivederci, Come ti chiami?
Unit 2
Basic Vocabulary
- Initial Topics
- - Numbers (from 0 to 100).
- - Days of the week, months, and seasons of the year.
- - Colors
- - Family members.
- Everyday Situations
- - • Common objects: libro, penna, tavolo.
- - • Places in the city: banca, scuola, supermercato.
- - • Food and drinks: pane, pasta, acqua.
Unit 3
Basic Grammar
- Articles
- - Definite articles (il, la, lo, l') and indefinite articles (un, una, uno).
- Nouns and Adjectives
- - Gender (masculine/feminine).
- - Singular and plural.
- - Basic adjectives: colors, size (grande, piccolo, rosso).
- Basic Verbs
- - Conjugation of regular verbs in the present tense (-are, -ere, -ire)
- - Most commonly used irregular verbs
- Simple Prepositions
- - Use of a, di, da, in, su.
Unit 4
Useful Expressions and Phrases
- Time expressions: Che ore sono? È mezzogiorno.
- Phrases for shopping and restaurants: Quanto costa? Un caffè, per favore.
- Asking for directions: Dov'è la stazione? A destra, a sinistra.
Unit 5
Listening Comprehension and Oral Practice
- Basic dialogues: Personal introductions. Asking for and giving simple information.
- Listening to Italian songs or simple dialogues.
Unit 6
Italian Culture
- Introduction to the regions of Italy.
- Typical food.
- Important holidays: Natale, Ferragosto.
Unit 7
Practical Assessments
- Games and interactive activities.
- Mini-dialogues and simulations.
- Final exam focused on oral and written communication.
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